
The Theme of the Year

關於我們 > The Theme of the Year

Harmony of Ages


Tainan, with over 400 years of development and change, has served as a meeting point for various ethnic groups. Diverse cultures have collided, exchanged, and blended together, much like different musical instruments intertwining and stacking to create a rich array of sounds and complex melodies. As time passes, these melodies merge and weave together, composing a flawlessly harmonious symphony that gives rise to the unique music of the city.


The 2024 Tainan International Music Festival is held under the theme of " Harmony of Ages." Highlighting the accumulation of time, generations, and cultures, the Festival brings together local and global elements to create a rich and diverse soundscape of musical notes within this historical capital. The grace of classical music, the vibrancy of exotic rhythms, or the allure of movie soundtracks showcase the diverse cultural tapestry that has flourished in Tainan over the years. Music is a bridge that resonates with people across cultures and generations, transcending linguistic borders and age disparities. As we honor the glory and heritage of this historical and cultural capital, let us join hands to compose the beautiful music of the next century.